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Let us work with you to find the right person for the right seat in your business.


Select specializes in finding the right fit for people and businesses in Southern Alberta.

Why Select? 

  • Over 30,000 successful matches between employers and job seekers.

  • Innovative staffing solutions

  • We have the expertise you need

Experience the ease and success of a professional recruitment. 


  • Robust candidate generation

  • Screening

  • Pre-employment skills assessments

  • Psychometric assessments

  • Criminal record checks and credit checks are optional to provide you peace of mind  

Staffing solutions for your hiring needs:

  • Executive level talent

  • Professional

  • Office

  • Industrial

  • Agriculture

  • HR Services

  • Permanent, short and long term temporary placements

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red chair, select, select people solutions, red chair, hiring, lethbridge jobs, jobs, permanent, temporary, employment, talent, job board, work lethbridge, available jobs, right people right seat, career, job hub, staffing

When people are important to your business, trust Select People Solutions. 


Call us today and let us help you find who you're looking for.

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