Select has worked with local farmers and multinational companies for over 20 years to employ Roguers for the process of growing Parent Seed Canola. All of our Roguers make a positive impact on southern Alberta’s agriculture industry year after year!
What is Roguing?
“Roguing” basically means walking through fields (mostly canola) to pick plants that don’t belong there, also known as “rogue plants.” This work is vital in helping local growers and our clients meet the high standards necessary to produce top quality canola seed. This seed is in turn sold the following year to growers who plant them, and then the resulting crops are used for human or animal consumption and other uses.
Job Market & Economy Impact – 3 Interesting Facts!
1. Here at Select, we employee over 700 Albertans every year. Thanks to our Agriculture division, we are the largest employer of youths aged 15-18 in Alberta!
2. According to Alberta Canola, Canada generates over 30% of the entire world’s canola supply. In 2022, Canada turned out a whopping 20.3 million tonnes of canola – wow!
3. Alberta’s canola growth doesn’t just affect Canada; it significantly affects the entire World’s canola trade. Alberta produces so much canola that we end up exporting more than we actually use. Globally, around 60% of canola trade results from Canadian production!
What Is Canola Used For?
Of course, the most obvious use for canola is canola oil. Canola oil is popular, widely available, and many Albertans already have a bottle at home. However, many Albertans don’t realize that there are many other uses for canola beyond just cooking oil!
Did you know: about 20% of the world’s canola oil is produced in Canada!
Canola can be ground into canola meal, which is most often used as a feed for livestock (mainly dairy cows, pigs, and poultry). Less commonly, canola meal is also used for human consumption. It is perfectly safe & nutritious for us, too, it just hasn’t gained widespread popularity quite yet, which is why you may have never heard of it before.
Canola also has many industrial purposes. It’s used to create oils, lubricants, soaps, paints, fuels, plastics, inks, and even some cosmetic products. All vegetable oils (because they are all organic hydrocarbons) can be processed into a vast array of chemicals and products, including canola!
Did you know: out of all the oilseeds used to produce biodiesel, canola has the most oil per seed? Canola oil is a top choice for biodiesel producers for this reason. Another reason is because canola biodiesel’s low level of saturated fat allows it to outperform other vegetable oil-based fuels in cold weather – incredibly important in Southern Alberta, especially around the wintertime!
Help us keep the right people in the right agricultural seat – if you’re interested in learning more about Roguing Canola with Select, read about our FAQs here: