Are you like me and struggle to stay on task? Squirrel!!
I have come across these tips that actually help me stay focused and get stuff done. If that means more time to chat with people, I’m all in!
Some of these, though, I have yet to truly embrace and integrate – for those of you who know me, this will not be shocking. But hey – at least I’m trying!
#1: Good Daily Habits
Don’t sleep in and don’t hit the snooze button! We should be re-energized at the beginning of the day, which will give you an awesome head start on the workday.
There are fewer distractions early in the morning, allowing you to get a lot more work done than waiting until midday.
Try to fit some kind of exercise into your day. This doesn’t mean hours at the gym – even a small walk at lunch will help you be more productive in the afternoon.
And of course, SLEEP! Ya ya ya I know – easier said than done. But try it. My phone beeps at me every work night – that’s my cue to get to bed. Get enough sleep, please.
#2: Set Specific Times to Check Email
I used to have that little pop-up notification every time an email came in and, because of the type of person I am, those were my favourite squirrel moments. You never know what you’re missing if you don’t rush to check it right away!
Checking emails is one of the main distractions that wastes valuable time throughout the workday.
Choose two or three times a day to check your emails. Yes, I still struggle with this one, too.
#3: Plan Your Day Ahead of Time
The first step in being productive is planning your daily schedule in advance.
You need to estimate: what you plan on doing, when you plan on doing it, and how long you will do it for – use your calendar and schedule the big rocks. Without a schedule, you’re likely to miss important tasks and deadlines.
I usually have a list of “what needs to be done before I leave for the day” and I stick to it. This will help you avoid distractions when tempted.
Of course, if you are like me, there are always fires that need hosing down, but I really try to see the smoke first and deal with things straight on before they become a flame. Fires usually require more time.
#4: Learn to Say “No”
Don’t be a dumping ground. If you don’t have time to let someone pile something else on, either ask them when they need it by and then you can decide if you have time to meet their deadline OR say no – no is not a bad word!
In scenarios where you cannot say no (for example, the task is high priority and was assigned by your manager), you should instead ask “what would you like me to put aside to get this done?” Always be honest with yourself and your management about how you’re managing your workload!
Saying no can be a tricky task for some, but it is very important if you want to boost your productivity and your confidence.
You can’t allow others to order you around – how will you stay focused on your own tasks if you’re constantly being pulled into someone else’s? Set your boundaries.
#5: Avoid Multitasking (this one I REALLY struggle with!)
I keep hearing that multi-tasking is bad. Sometimes though, it is necessary – I have heard only 2% of people can truly effectively multi-task – is this actually true? Who knows?!?
What I can say is that when I multi-task, the things I don’t gravitate to are the things that always get bumped to the bottom of the list, therefore not getting done. In order to get THOSE things done – I do truly need to hole myself up and let it be the only thing I do until it is done.
You know the neat part? It usually doesn’t take as long as I thought it would – I likely spent more time thinking about the white elephant on my shoulder than the time it took to just get it done. Talk about the power of the mind! It sometimes kicks my butt!
#6: Eliminate Possible Distractions
The more distractions are in your workspace, the easier it is to give in to them. Pretty easy concept. When you are distracted, it takes some time to get refocused – what distracts you? Before you can fix it, you need to understand yourself.
For me? It is other voices or people – I must close my door. If I really need to focus and be completely undisturbed, I put a sign on my door saying “Please do not disturb until 2:00pm ~ Thanks!” – it works!
#7: Take Care of YOU!
Self-explanatory and seemingly simple, but if you don’t prioritize this, you will lose productivity. You cannot pour from an empty cup.
What do you do for self-care? How do you recharge your battery? Make sure you recharge yourself, at least a couple of times a week. Go for a walk, read a book, meditate, bake some cookies to share at work, hang with friends – so many options – do what fits you! Hold yourself accountable – have a goal every week and commit to it. Taking care of yourself makes you a healthier, more productive team player and simply a happier human!
See anything you are NOT DOING in these tips? Try changing even one or 2 and see if they help!